Alcohol & Substance use treatment centers
Find Freedom and Reclaim Your Life…
With Proven Drug and Alcohol Addiction Treatment
One day, one step, one moment. You are capable.
Are you ready for a change?
At Anchor Recovery, we understand the pain and despair that addiction can bring to individuals and their families. That's why we're committed to providing comprehensive and effective drug and alcohol addiction treatment solutions at every level of care. Our professionals intend to fill the gap in services for the Buffalo, Andover, and neighboring communities by collaborating with local members and agencies.
Our goal is to help you and your family anchor life-long recovery.

Comprehensive Assessment for Substance use evaluation
Substance use assessments to gather your history with substance use.
Substance Use Disorder Program
Outpatient program addressing all types of substance use disorders, provided at our physical office location in Buffalo or virtually via Zoom, if appropriate.
Driving With Care
A course for individuals that experienced substance use while driving that has led to legal consequences.
Mental Health Therapy
Treatment for anxiety, grief, stress, and life transitions, including Accelerated Resolution Therapy, Adaptive Internal Relational Network, Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, Sensorimotor Psychotherapy, Sensory Motor Arousal Regulation Treatment, and Trauma Focused Cognitive Behavioral Health.

adolescents aged 14-19
Now providing outpatient services for teenagers aged 14-19 at our Buffalo location, including chemical health assessments, individual sessions, and mental health services. Starting 07/08/2024.
“Tonya provided a great experience. She was very kind and open. We could basically talk about anything. She provided me with some great advice that advised me to make better decisions and created a plan that was tailored towards me and my needs. When I had questions, she provided answers that were detailed and understandable, making the process seamless. Tonya was very educated, friendly, and experienced. I appreciate her ability to be open and create a non-judgmental atmosphere.“
—Anchor Recovery Client