Substance Use Program for adults

Adult groups are geared for persons 18 years old to the wiser adult years, addressing all types of substance use disorders. We partner with mental health providers to offer a wide range of individualized help and services for each unique individual.

Our outpatient program has three intensities. Most individuals start with the ASAM 2.1 which involves attending 3 to 5 days of group sessions and one individual session. Our lowest intensity is the ASAM 1.0 which consists of 1 to 2 days of group sessions and individual session as scheduled.

Our services are provided by our qualified providers in the form of group and individual sessions and treatment coordination. Our group sessions are no more than 16 participants with one of our qualified clinicians. Individual sessions consist of meeting with one of our qualified providers on a one-on-one basis. Treatment coordination is included as a service provided to coordinate care with other providers and provide support to you with accessing community resources.

Our services are provided at our physical office location in Buffalo, Minnesota or virtually via Zoom, if appropriate.

Request for Service

Current Availabilities

Adult Morning - In Person
Buffalo, MN
Group Sessions: Monday to Friday from 8:00am to 11:50 am
Individual Sessions: Scheduled outside of group times

Adult Afternoon - Telehealth
Telehealth in MN
Group Sessions: Monday to Wednesday from 2:00 pm to 4:50 pm
Individual Sessions: Scheduled outside of group times

Payment Information

Comprehensive Assessment: $250.00
Group: $50.00 per hour
Individual: $100.00 per hour
Treatment Coordination: $25.00 per 15 minutes

Payment Options: Insurance (BCBS, Blue Plus, HealthPartners, Hennepin Health, Medicaid/Medical Assistance, PrimeWest, South Country Health Alliance, UCare); Out of pocket (HSA, Cash, Check, Credit Card). Please pay by check or credit card.
We are out of network with Medica, Optum, United Healthcare.

No client will be turned away for their inability to pay.

We offer sliding scale / discount services to individuals who are unable to afford essential services, based on income and household size.

For more information on how to obtain discount services please contact our administration team at or call our main line at (763) 250-7357 and inquire for Chris.